Carfree Cities - the web site that goes with the book. Carfree Cities proposes a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles. Carfree Cities discussion group (maintained by J.H. Crawford at Yahoo!) Author J.H. Crawford's home page, with links to carfree cities, energy, and peace initiatives. Intbau international network for traditional building arts and urbanism. Free Public Transit Everyone benefits - Everyone pays If public transit were free, more people would use it. The New Colonist explores environmental and lifestyle issues for dedicated city lovers, urban activists, and refugees from sprawl development. Includes feature articles, essays, interactive surveys, and city guides, written with an emphasis on community life and sustainability. World Carfree Network , the hub of the global carfree movement. International Making Cities Livable seeks to strengthen community by creating viable public places for social life in our cities will reduce anonymity, and increase grassroots democracy by returning to compact, mixed use cities based on walking, cycling, and public transport. Detour Publications is a non-profit, on-line bookstore offering many titles on sustainable passenger and freight transport, urban planning, "smart growth," and climate change. Auto-Free New York works to improve transit, cut car use, and remake streets for people. Cyburbia: The Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center contains a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, urbanism and other topics related to the built environment. Cyburbia also contains information about architecture and planning related mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups, and hosts several interactive message areas. The Coalition for Alternative Transportation works to improve mobility. A to B Magazine is dedicated to demonstrating alternatives to the car - primarily electric bicycles, public transport-friendly folding bikes and bike carraige by rail, bus and air. Car-Free Development by Lloyd Wright, from GTZ Colin Buchanan: The Lesson Of Venice by Edoardo Salzano is working to build a carfree city somewhere in the USA or Canada. EcoPlan International is an independent consulting and advisory group working with business and governments on projects, plans, and problems which are marked by rapid technological or environmental change. Founded in 1967, the work of the group is interdisciplinary and international. Assignments are more oriented to decision support than research per se. Also includes The Commons, a collaborative international undertaking created in 1994 by Eric Britton and his colleagues at EcoPlan. Car-Free Living - car-free housing in Europe. Neal Peirce's column on carfree cities The car-free universe project strengthening communities of the car-free. Introduce yourself and share thoughts about carfree living. China's Carfree Town: Gulangyu in The New Colonist The Form of Cities: an Introduction to Carfree Cities - an article by J.H. Crawford in The New Colonist Top Ten Characteristics of a Healthy City in the New Colonist The Venice Flood Barrier by Edoardo Salzano "Car Crazy" A Word from Richard Risemberg, in the New Colonist, August 2002 Active Living by Design on healtier ways of living Car-Free Housing in European Cities A Survey of Sustainable Residential Development Projects, by Jan Scheurer carfree living - autofrei wohnen carfree development in Germany The CarFree group at Yahoo is a place for those who are (trying to live) carFree (or car-lite) in a car crowded world. (Not to be confused with the Carfree Cities discussion group (sponsored by, also at Yahoo.) Bright Angel Frontier is proposing a radical restructuring of large areas of the US West that would create carfree towns by re-creating a historic Nineteenth Century infrastructure based on horses and steam trains. Le Piazze d'Italia glorious Italian Piazzas, some despoiled by cars, but all worth looking at The Biketopia Project is engaging in a discussion about building a city without or with a minimum of internal combustion engines, where people can live and work in a low-cost unpolluted environment. "Urban Ecology, Innovations in Housing Policy and the Future of Cities: Towards Sustainability in Neighbourhood Communities." Jan Scheurer's PhD Thesis. "Without a Car in the World" Jane Holtz Kay in the New Colonist Radical Urban Theory an on-line journal America's Autos On Welfare Summary of Subsidies Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center image library. Bremen: Urban district planning without cars How to Build a Village by Claude Lewenz Principles of Urban Structure by Nios A. Salingaros. This on-line book addresses the needs of professional urbanists who wish to understand how and why cities are successful or not, depending on their form, components, and substructure. A Theory of Architecture by Nikos A. Salingaros. An online book that combines some ideas on the basis for architectural design. Pedestrian Streets in New Colonist Arcosanti: is an urban laboratory in Arizona and a prototype Arcology (architecture for ecology) founded by Paolo Soleri in 1970. Workshoppers and apprentices learn by doing, while constructing Arcosanti. Our Neighborhood Russell Turpin in the New Colonist Walk to School in the UK "The Real Revolutionaries" Richard Risemberg in the New Colonist on rebels... and their cars. Digital Imaging Project Index of Art Historical Sites Barbican Living describes the post-war Barbican project in London, in which cars are kept below ground. 8000 people live there today. Autofrei-wohnen carries information on big (600 family) carfree project planned for Berlin-Mitte near Friedrichstraße/Unter den Linden (German only). Earth Carfree Days Collaborative (19 April 2001). PEZEE The movement for the protection of pedestrian rights in Athens Freesources from World Carfree Network Mont Royal Avenue Verte is promoting a major carfree street in Montreal, Quebec Walkable Communities, Inc. is a non-profit corporation organized to help communities of whatever size to become more walkable and pedestrian friendly. Sustainable Urban Transport Project aims to help cities meet this challenge and achieve their sustainable transport goals, through the dissemination of information about international experience and targeted work with particular cities. The Atlantic Monthly September 1996 article on Celebration (the new Disney community in Orlando, Florida) is an interesting and worthwhile review of some of the fruits of the New Urbanism. Transportation Alternatives is a member-supported New York City-area citizens' group working for better bicycling, walking and public transit, and fewer cars. Cutting Your Car Use , the web site for Anna Semlyen's new book by the same name. Ulrich Nehls - Musik, Autos, Verkehr und Öl Eddyburg is the site of Edoardo Salzano, former mayor of Venice. In Italian, with many links. Bogotá designs transportation for people, not cars and is becoming a world leader in improving quality of life at low cost. Brasilias from the Parallel Universes presents other plans that were proposed for Brazil's capital. On the Road to Sustainability Transport and Carfree Living in Freiburg (PDF) Comprehensive Evaluation of Rail Transit Benefits from VTPI Reclaiming city streets for people: Chaos or quality of life? EU Car Busters Magazine helps to unite, build, and maintain the international car-free movement, and to inform, motivate, publicize and empower all groups and individuals fighting against the car's dominance and destructiveness. Research & Degrowth is an academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events organization around degrowth. Measuring the Success of Transit-Oriented Development : Retail Market Dynamics and Other Key Determinants. Discussion of TOD and transit effects; possibly biased. Pedestrian Sundays in Kensington Market Community - Culture - Ecology Carfree Day in Toronto, for the first time. Project for Public Spaces Launching a New Tradition of Great Public Squares Carfree site from Ryan Harris , a Regional Planner for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Alliance for a Paving Moratorium demonstrates alternatives to sprawl and petroleum dependence while fighting new road construction. Auto-Free Life explores the challenges and rewards of car-free and car-light lifestyles, tracks the real-world, out-of-pocket cost of car ownership, and examines the so-called "need" to own a car. Car-Free France (portal site) Livability Soultions is a coalition for putting priorities into action. We work with communities on livability, sustainability, placemaking, and smart growth. Auto-Free Orange County is an Orange County, California volunteer organization helping people develop less car-dependent lifestyles and more pedestrian-friendly communities. Andy Likuski urban design and modeling software Central London Partnership is a public and private sector partnership which takes action to make central London a better place to live, work, invest, and visit. Cloverleaf city: it would be better for all of us if there were fewer cars on the road Car Free Month in the San Francisco Bay Area, possibly expanding to other regions. NETS - Network for Soft Mobility in European Tourism integrates partners of tourism- transport, and environmental organizations. NETS partners seek to improve the quality of vacations and environmental quality while raising the standard of living for guests and locals. Resources for bike messengers worldwide - the homepage of the International Federation of Bike Messenger associations Self-Propelled City is working on a self-propelled future for urban environments. Car Free Development gives information on carfree projects in London Wohnen ohne Auto (Living without cars) carries information on the carfree project in Munich. Also a reviews other German Carfree Projects and has tips for planning and realizing carfree living in Germany. (German only) Public Spaces How They Humanize Cities [PDF] Kevin Karplus maintains a large list of useful transportation, bicycle, and urban planning links. I Walk in My Street A Guide to Planning Successful Pedestrian Streets in New York City (PDF) RehabRd is helping to pedestrianize urban areas with the help of virtual adapatations. Carfree American promotes healthy bodies and minds, environment, and communities. Walk + Roll Cleveland encourages people to walk and bicycle in their daily lives. Martin van den Berg is also interested in the design of cities. Cities of the Future takes a glimpse at cities 100 years into the future. Autofreie Stadt blog (German) Bicycle City An eco-friendly place to live, work, and play Shed Your Car Day in Freemantle, Australia, 29 November 2001 Green and smart is the idea that public transport and walking are viable and sustainable modes of transport, and the lack of information is a significant impediment. GWL Terrein in Amsterdam, a 600-unit carfree project (in Dutch only) United Nations Car-Free Days Freemantle The Priorities Institute discusses sustainability, carfree cities, and related topics. Car Free Russia in Russian, of course. 22 September in Switzerland Quarry Village carfree development in Hayward, CA Obywatelski Ruch Ekologiczny 22 wrzesnia Transportation for a Livable City works to create more livable neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable. Busgurrrl's Guide to Carfree Living Towards a motor-free city from Auroville Universal Township The Participatory City Innovations in the European Union (including a brief history of the carfree movement) Removing Freeways - Restoring Cities from the Preservation Institute The Carfree Database contains data of the carfree communting behavior and car ownership rates for all communities in the United States CarFree Walks Walking in the UK without a car Car-Free / Low-Car Cities & Neighborhoods has some useful links Synergistic Transformation Institute Halt the Ramp Caltrans is beginning construction of a new elevated freeway and ramp in San Francisco. Carfree World is a carfree blog Map21 Ltd provides greenspace planning, research and community initiatives. Offers information for students and professionals plus COST C11 EU research project on Urban Greenspace. Suggest additions to this list of sources. |
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