Carfree Cities - the web site that goes with the book. Carfree Cities proposes a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles. Author J.H. Crawford's home page, with links to carfree cities, energy, and peace initiatives. ITDP Institute for Transportation & Development Policy The Living Room , edited by Richard Risemberg, is a place to examine the history, the technology, and the sensations of social living, the state of community today, and the practices that can make life both richer and more practical for all of us, today, tomorrow, and beyond. Includes The Bike People, the Suburbia Project, and a Sustainability section. All highly recommended. Free Public Transit Everyone benefits - Everyone pays If public transit were free, more people would use it. A Prosperous Way Down considers our options in an energy-limited future The New Colonist explores environmental and lifestyle issues for dedicated city lovers, urban activists, and refugees from sprawl development. Includes feature articles, essays, interactive surveys, and city guides, written with an emphasis on community life and sustainability. World Carfree Network , the hub of the global carfree movement. The Center for Urban Transportation Research at the Florida Center for Community Design and Research has a variety of useful links on transportation, land use, and sustainability issues. The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment is an educational charity established by The Prince of Wales to teach and demonstrate in practice those principles of traditional urban design and architecture which put people and the communities of which they are part at the centre of the design process. James Howard Kunstler has a site about his writing and speaking, mainly on the New Urbanism. International Making Cities Livable seeks to strengthen community by creating viable public places for social life in our cities will reduce anonymity, and increase grassroots democracy by returning to compact, mixed use cities based on walking, cycling, and public transport. Detour Publications is a non-profit, on-line bookstore offering many titles on sustainable passenger and freight transport, urban planning, "smart growth," and climate change. Auto-Free New York works to improve transit, cut car use, and remake streets for people. Alternatives Journal offers environmental thought, policy, and action embracing current events and timeless issues. Cyburbia: The Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center contains a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, urbanism and other topics related to the built environment. Cyburbia also contains information about architecture and planning related mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups, and hosts several interactive message areas. European Youth For(est) Action is working hard to reduce the burden of traffic in Europe. The Coalition for Alternative Transportation works to improve mobility. A to B Magazine is dedicated to demonstrating alternatives to the car - primarily electric bicycles, public transport-friendly folding bikes and bike carraige by rail, bus and air. Car-Free Development by Lloyd Wright, from GTZ Earth Trends , the environmental information portal from World Resources Institute EcoPlan International is an independent consulting and advisory group working with business and governments on projects, plans, and problems which are marked by rapid technological or environmental change. Founded in 1967, the work of the group is interdisciplinary and international. Assignments are more oriented to decision support than research per se. Also includes The Commons, a collaborative international undertaking created in 1994 by Eric Britton and his colleagues at EcoPlan. The car-free universe project strengthening communities of the car-free. Introduce yourself and share thoughts about carfree living. Worldwatch Institute is a nonprofit public policy research organization dedicated to informing policymakers and the public about emerging global problems and trends and the complex links between the world economy and its environmental support systems. Christopher Alexander's site on A Pattern Language. Alexander at his usual brilliant self. The Venice Flood Barrier by Edoardo Salzano The David Suzuki Foundation is one of Canada's leading environmental organizations and pays particular attention to global warming and climate change issues. Shedding Light on Alienation in the Public Realm : The case for more humane lighting of city streets. Car-Free Housing in European Cities A Survey of Sustainable Residential Development Projects, by Jan Scheurer Active Living by Design on healtier ways of living RUDI - Resource for Urban Design Information. Bright Angel Frontier is proposing a radical restructuring of large areas of the US West that would create carfree towns by re-creating a historic Nineteenth Century infrastructure based on horses and steam trains. The European Cyclists' Federation is the world's largest bicycle advocacy organisation with 33 sub-groups in 22 countries. SUN (Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods) is a program lead by Dr. John Gilderbloom to help revitalize inner city neighborhoods. SUN offers numerous web links related to sustainable development. The site includes a model web site of the type needed by every dead inner city neighborhood to spark the revitalization. European Academy of the Urban Environment SURBAN, the database on sustainable urban development in Europe How to Build a Village by Claude Lewenz Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center image library. "Without a Car in the World" Jane Holtz Kay in the New Colonist European Academy of the Urban Environment aims to encourage exchange of experience amongst local government decision makers in all spheres of sustainable urban development. US Global Climate Change Program provides a rich source of data on climate-related issues from a scientific perspective. America's Autos On Welfare Summary of Subsidies "Expansion Induces Traffic" , a page at the Sierra Club about induced traffic. "Urban Ecology, Innovations in Housing Policy and the Future of Cities: Towards Sustainability in Neighbourhood Communities." Jan Scheurer's PhD Thesis. Costs of Sprawl report from the Sierra Club. B.E.S.T. helps solve pollution, climate change, traffic congestion, and urban sprawl problems. Trees and Vegetation in the Architecture and Planning of High-Density City-Centers Highway and Sprawlbusters at the Sierra Club - a page about reining in cars and limiting sprawl. Culture Change Committee Against Oil Exploration Ivan Illich: Energy and Equity full text on line. Arcosanti: is an urban laboratory in Arizona and a prototype Arcology (architecture for ecology) founded by Paolo Soleri in 1970. Workshoppers and apprentices learn by doing, while constructing Arcosanti. The Preservation Institute includes links to transportation and development politics on the Web. Listed are groups working to limit the automobile, stop urban sprawl, and build ecologically sound cities. Surface Transportation Policy Project ("Transact") works to promote a "diversified transportation system." They also publish the Mean Streets report annually. The Climate Ark is a climate change search space dedicated to promoting public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon and other emissions, energy conservation, alternative energy sources and ending deforestation. advocates meaningful climate protection Earth Policy Institute is dedicated to providing a vision of what an environmentally sustainable economy. "Sprawl: The Growing Pains of Suburban America" at Driven to Spend - a report on the costs of sprawl Bicycle Transportation Alliance promotes bicycling for safer streets, cleaner air, and energy independence. Environmental Building News is a leading international publication on environmentally sustainable design and construction. The site includes news, feature articles, and many green building product reviews. Earth Carfree Days Collaborative (19 April 2001). San Francisco Bicycle Coalition promotes the bike for everyday transportation. "Methadone for Road Hogs" Richard Risemberg in the New Colonist on Zero Emission Vehilces... and why they don't help. Freesources from World Carfree Network Vital Climate Graphics is a resource from the United Nations Environment Program. The Atlantic Monthly September 1996 article on Celebration (the new Disney community in Orlando, Florida) is an interesting and worthwhile review of some of the fruits of the New Urbanism. Richard Register on electric cars. Sprawl Kills is an indictment of US sprawl development. Walk21 exists to champion the development of healthy sustainable and efficient communities where people choose to walk Blues for Green in Holland by Jane Holtz Kay, in the New Colonist. Center for Green Space Design providing training and assistance for those planning green space. Dancing Rabbit is an ecovillage in northeast Missouri committed to creating a sustainable village of 500-1000 people. A vehicle co-op is used instead of private cars. Ulrich Nehls - Musik, Autos, Verkehr und Öl Eddyburg is the site of Edoardo Salzano, former mayor of Venice. In Italian, with many links. Bogotá designs transportation for people, not cars and is becoming a world leader in improving quality of life at low cost. On the Road to Sustainability Transport and Carfree Living in Freiburg (PDF) Research & Degrowth is an academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events organization around degrowth. Charter of the Global Greens Defining what it means to be Green in the new millennium. (Warning: PDF) DENZELDRIVE Carsharing (Austria) General description of Carsharing Locations all over Austria Partners in public traffic and motorized traffic (e.g. car rental) EcoIQ offers resources for planning the built environment, natural resource conservation and protection, and building sustainable communities. Michigan Land Use Institute published an article on government support for sprawl, which was by no means the inevitable consequence of rising personal incomes. The Center for a New American Dream Helping individuals and institutions change the way they consume to seeks to protect the environment and enhance quality of life for all. Velo Mondial is a global bike site that includes the Amsterdam Declaration on the rights of cyclists. Alliance for a Paving Moratorium demonstrates alternatives to sprawl and petroleum dependence while fighting new road construction. Urban Ecology Australia is a non profit community group which advocates the building of ecological cities. The Thunderhead Alliance is a coalition of state and local bicycle advocacy groups. Central London Partnership is a public and private sector partnership which takes action to make central London a better place to live, work, invest, and visit. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change is a non-profit, non-partisan and independent organization dedicated to providing credible information, straight answers and innovative solutions in the effort to address global climate change. Auto-Free Life explores the challenges and rewards of car-free and car-light lifestyles, tracks the real-world, out-of-pocket cost of car ownership, and examines the so-called "need" to own a car. Center for Clean Air Policy was established in 1985 by a group of bipartisan state governors, to develop and promote innovative policy solutions to energy and environmental problems. Eco Earth The Environmental Sustainability Source Reinventing the Wheels Amory Lovins and the Hypercar. Medline has an extensive collection of information on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which can be caused by air pollution. The Greenway is working to provide a safe, clean, aesthetic, and enjoyable place for people of all ages to ride a bicycle all year round. NETS - Network for Soft Mobility in European Tourism integrates partners of tourism- transport, and environmental organizations. NETS partners seek to improve the quality of vacations and environmental quality while raising the standard of living for guests and locals. Sustainable Long Island is an organization whose mission is to promote economic development, social equity and a healthy environment for all Long Islanders, now and in the generations to come. provides sensible advice and tools for greener living. The Earth Charter Initiative publishes the Earth Charter, a set of guidelines for a sustainable society. Greenways Travel Club in the Czech Republic Web Directory of environmental organizations. The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments is a forum for planning, discussion and study of regional problems of mutual interest and concern to the counties and cities in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties. Martin van den Berg is also interested in the design of cities. EcoEarth.Info is an environment portal all dedicated to achieving global environmental sustainability. Portal Ecológico do GAIA está temporáriamente offline por motivos de segurança cibernáutica. Walk + Roll Cleveland encourages people to walk and bicycle in their daily lives. Northwest Environment Watch s a non-profit organization that aims to foster a sustainable economy and way of life in the Pacific Northwest. Eco-Portal is a search engine devoted to ecological topics. World Environment is an environmental portal. Findhorn is an alternative community working in support of sustainability. The Life Extension Foundation has information about emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which can be caused by air pollution. EcoWorld offers environmental information in seven different categories: air, water, earth, plants, animals and people covering key global environmental issues, species/ecosystem profiles, and projects pertaining to each earth category. EcoTopia USA is dedicated to a sustainable future. National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education and the Environmental Finance Center Velomobile information Rainforest Portal Search, Inform, Debate, Act New Urban Home The New Urban Home is a sustainable, fleible, and creative solution to individualized contemporary living. Center for Balanced Development is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing resources, providing services, and building networks that foster global balance in society by promoting unity, in individuals by bringing out human potential, in ecology by preserving our natural resources, and in economy by incorporating relations in development. Energie-Cités The Association of European local authorities promoting a local sustainable energy policy. CarFree Walks Walking in the UK without a car Be Birmingham is the Local Strategic Partnership for Birmingham Eco-Portal The EnvironmentalSustainability.Info Source European Greenways Association Sustaining the future on the past Levego is Hungary's Clean Air Action Group Transportation for a Livable City works to create more livable neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable. New Internationalist Magazine The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for global justice Eco-Porta The EnvironmentalSustainability.Info Source Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center "Our Quality of Life Peaked in 1974 : It's All Downhill Now: We will pay the price for believing the world has infinite resources," by George Monbiot. Projects International is working to integrate Education for Sustainability into English language classrooms around the world. Map21 Ltd provides greenspace planning, research and community initiatives. Offers information for students and professionals plus COST C11 EU research project on Urban Greenspace. College Town Issues Issues related to student and year-round residents living and working together in college towns across the USA, especially in older, walkable neighborhoods. The Participatory City Innovations in the European Union (including a brief history of the carfree movement) Information for Action is a volunteer project to make environmental information more widely available. is believed to be the world's largest environmental portal. Synergistic Transformation Institute Suggest additions to this list of sources. |
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