World Carfree Network , the hub of the global carfree movement. Ulrich Nehls - Musik, Autos, Verkehr und Öl Car-Free France (portal site) Greenways Travel Club in the Czech Republic Autofreie Stadt blog (German) GWL Terrein in Amsterdam, a 600-unit carfree project (in Dutch only) Portal Ecológico do GAIA está temporáriamente offline por motivos de segurança cibernáutica. Greek activist group working on pedestrian rights BSO Bundeskoordination Studentischer Ökologiearbeit Levego is Hungary's Clean Air Action Group umverkehR Zukunft ink. Obywatelski Ruch Ekologiczny 22 wrzesnia 22 September in Switzerland The green version about the city transport situation in general and in our city, Nizhniy Novgorod Nadace Partnerstvi in the Czech Republic Budapest Korzo promotes Ciclovia in Budapest European Greenways Association Sustaining the future on the past Afriwheels is trying to bring bikes to Africa rede ciclável de Lisboa is a bicycling advocacy group in Lisbon Turkey Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition is the Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition. Our mission is to make Berkeley a more bicycle-friendly city Suggest additions to this list of sources. |
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