Carfree Cities - the web site that goes with the book. Carfree Cities proposes a delightful solution to the vexing problem of urban automobiles. The Victoria Transport Policy Instiute is an independent research organization developing innovative strategies for efficient and equitable transportation. Dozens of reports are available on full cost accounting, transportation demand management, pavement reduction, transit, bicycling, walking, and traffic calming. Their Online TDM Encyclopedia offers a comprehensive resource for transportation demand management planning and analysis. ITDP Institute for Transportation & Development Policy Free Public Transit Everyone benefits - Everyone pays If public transit were free, more people would use it. World Carfree Network , the hub of the global carfree movement. The Center for Urban Transportation Research at the Florida Center for Community Design and Research has a variety of useful links on transportation, land use, and sustainability issues. International Making Cities Livable seeks to strengthen community by creating viable public places for social life in our cities will reduce anonymity, and increase grassroots democracy by returning to compact, mixed use cities based on walking, cycling, and public transport. Detour Publications is a non-profit, on-line bookstore offering many titles on sustainable passenger and freight transport, urban planning, "smart growth," and climate change. The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy promotes environmentally sustainable and equitable transportation policies and projects worldwide. Auto-Free New York works to improve transit, cut car use, and remake streets for people. Cyburbia: The Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center contains a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, urbanism and other topics related to the built environment. Cyburbia also contains information about architecture and planning related mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups, and hosts several interactive message areas. Transportation and Community and System Presevation Pilot Program at the US Department of Transportation. The Coalition for Alternative Transportation works to improve mobility. A to B Magazine is dedicated to demonstrating alternatives to the car - primarily electric bicycles, public transport-friendly folding bikes and bike carraige by rail, bus and air. Car-Free Development by Lloyd Wright, from GTZ Jane Holtz Kay is the architecture and planning critic for The Nation and author of Asphalt Nation, Preserving New England and Lost Boston. China's Carfree Town: Gulangyu in The New Colonist The Form of Cities: an Introduction to Carfree Cities - an article by J.H. Crawford in The New Colonist Active Living by Design on healtier ways of living RUDI - Resource for Urban Design Information. Myths of Light Rail - Dissected The European Cyclists' Federation is the world's largest bicycle advocacy organisation with 33 sub-groups in 22 countries. Light Rail , in cooperation with the Dutch magazine Blauwe Kamer, offers the Light Rail Atlas, a comprehensive source of information about tram systems around the world. External Costs Damages arising from electricity and transport (PDF!) "Expansion Induces Traffic" , a page at the Sierra Club about induced traffic. America's Autos On Welfare Summary of Subsidies "Urban Ecology, Innovations in Housing Policy and the Future of Cities: Towards Sustainability in Neighbourhood Communities." Jan Scheurer's PhD Thesis. Highway and Sprawlbusters at the Sierra Club - a page about reining in cars and limiting sprawl. Light Rail Transit Association provides a host of useful information about Light Rail Vehicles (LRV)/trams/streetcars/trolleys or whatever people are calling them this week. "Coming Around Again" - an article about the resurgence of streetcars (trams) Light Rail Now contains a useful collection of data for those marshalling arguments in favor of light rail and against bus systems. Light Rail Atlas - Holland's Light Rail-pages for a world audience. The Electric Tbus Group supports the use of electric trolley buses in London. The International Lightrail Network provides information on light rail systems from a northern European perspective The North American Light Rail Information Site provides information on the North American Light Rail industry and to assist in the growth, advancement, development, and expansion of the North American light rail industry and its employees Surface Transportation Policy Project ("Transact") works to promote a "diversified transportation system." They also publish the Mean Streets report annually. Railway Technology : The Website for the Railway Industry. Exhaustive and excellent source of data on railroading. Driven to Spend - a report on the costs of sprawl Living Streets covers all aspects of pedestrian welfare POLIS is an association of European cities and regions working together on transport and environmental issues, in particular via innovative technologies, policies and funding systems. Bicycle Transportation Alliance promotes bicycling for safer streets, cleaner air, and energy independence. The Social Ideology of the Motorcar by André Gortz (1973!). Transportation and City Design Land use and housing politics in San Francisco. History and politics of rail transit in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Earth Carfree Days Collaborative (19 April 2001). "Methadone for Road Hogs" Richard Risemberg in the New Colonist on Zero Emission Vehilces... and why they don't help. PEZEE The movement for the protection of pedestrian rights in Athens Planning Commissioners Journal is a resource for planning in the North American context. They also publish a useful journal. San Francisco Bicycle Coalition promotes the bike for everyday transportation. America WALKs is a non-profit national coalition of local advocacy groups dedicated to promoting walkable communities. Our mission is to foster the development of community-based pedestrian advocacy groups and to educate the public about the benefits of walking. Citystreets: see what pedestrian advocates are doing in New York, at this innovative and original pedestrian-oriented transportation website. Walkable Communities, Inc. is a non-profit corporation organized to help communities of whatever size to become more walkable and pedestrian friendly. Transportation Alternatives is a member-supported New York City-area citizens' group working for better bicycling, walking and public transit, and fewer cars. Richard Register on electric cars. International Bike Fund promotes sustainable transport and international understanding Sustainable Urban Transport Project aims to help cities meet this challenge and achieve their sustainable transport goals, through the dissemination of information about international experience and targeted work with particular cities. Chainguard - bicycle advocacy on line. Sprawl Kills is an indictment of US sprawl development. Swede Track makes innovative proposals for automated overhead people movers. he New Mobility Agenda from Ecoplan Mike's Rail Photos and other rail information (mainly streetcars) SUVs Should Be Driven Into a Truck Lane Big guys on the right, little guys on the left. It has a nice ring, doesn't it? (LA Times article) TramTrain: The 2nd Generation: New Criteria for the "Ideal TramTrain City" Ulrich Nehls - Musik, Autos, Verkehr und Öl TranStats The Intermodal Transportation Database Brasilias from the Parallel Universes presents other plans that were proposed for Brazil's capital. On the Road to Sustainability Transport and Carfree Living in Freiburg (PDF) Efficient Vehicles Versus Efficient Transportation VTPI Bogotá designs transportation for people, not cars and is becoming a world leader in improving quality of life at low cost. Parry People Movers is developing innovative wireless light-rail vehicles Comprehensive Evaluation of Rail Transit Benefits from VTPI Eddyburg is the site of Edoardo Salzano, former mayor of Venice. In Italian, with many links. London Congestion Pricing: Implications for Other Cities VTPI Cycling Trends and Policies in Canadian Cities VTPI Reclaiming city streets for people: Chaos or quality of life? EU Research & Degrowth is an academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events organization around degrowth. The Project for Public Spaces is a nonprofit technical assistance, research and educational organization with a mission to create and sustain public places that build communities. Terrorism, Transit and Public Safety from VTPI Hidden Subsidies for Urban Car Transportation: Public Funds for Private Transport ICLEI Michigan Land Use Institute published an article on government support for sprawl, which was by no means the inevitable consequence of rising personal incomes. EcoIQ offers resources for planning the built environment, natural resource conservation and protection, and building sustainable communities. Planetizen is a portal for California planners. DENZELDRIVE Carsharing (Austria) General description of Carsharing Locations all over Austria Partners in public traffic and motorized traffic (e.g. car rental) Austin Analytics is a UK-based public transport specialist, focusing on policy analysis, including economic, financial, and statistical analysis. Moving the Economy promotes sustainable transport and inventories 150 case studies in which sustainable transport yielded measured economic benefits. Travel on ELTIS (the European Local Transport Information Service). Velo Mondial is a global bike site that includes the Amsterdam Declaration on the rights of cyclists. Car-Free France (portal site) Central London Partnership is a public and private sector partnership which takes action to make central London a better place to live, work, invest, and visit. Andy Likuski urban design and modeling software Auto-Free Orange County is an Orange County, California volunteer organization helping people develop less car-dependent lifestyles and more pedestrian-friendly communities. The Thunderhead Alliance is a coalition of state and local bicycle advocacy groups. Village Technology has proposed the SMARTram, an interesting approach to providing local transit in downtown areas. The Greenway is working to provide a safe, clean, aesthetic, and enjoyable place for people of all ages to ride a bicycle all year round. Self-Propelled City is working on a self-propelled future for urban environments. COST Transport and the COST 339 initiative for small Euro-container standard. The Tri-State Transportation Campaign is an alliance of public interest, transit advocacy, planning and environmental organizations working to reform transportation policies in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut metropolitan region. Bicycle City An eco-friendly place to live, work, and play Free Public Transit: Everyone benefits - everyone pays Kevin Karplus maintains a large list of useful transportation, bicycle, and urban planning links. Martin van den Berg is also interested in the design of cities. World Carshare Consortium was set up under The Commons in early 1998 as a free, cooperative international information sharing and communications program in support of carsharing projects worldwide. TrafficLinq traffic and transportation start page. The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments is a forum for planning, discussion and study of regional problems of mutual interest and concern to the counties and cities in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties. EEVL is the UK Gateway to quality reviewed engineering resources on the Internet. Cities of the Future takes a glimpse at cities 100 years into the future. Green and smart is the idea that public transport and walking are viable and sustainable modes of transport, and the lack of information is a significant impediment. BikeAthens (Georgia) is dedicated to promoting sustainable transportation solutions for the Classic City. World Bank Group Urban Transport Strategy Review. "Urban sprawl is likely to increase to the detriment of public transport, reducing accessibility and services for the poor. The World Bank's Urban Transport Strategy Review will prepare for this challenge." KNV is the employers' organization in the Netherlands for the transport of goods and passengers by road. Busgurrrl's Guide to Carfree Living National BRT Institute facilitates the sharing of knowledge and innovation for increasing speed, efficiency, and reliability of high-capacity bus service Bicycle Transportation Systems proposes indoor, wind-assisted cycling. Vermont Rail Advocacy Network works to restore rail service in Vermont Yuba Pride affordable mobility Levego is Hungary's Clean Air Action Group 2 get there mobility solutions Active Living Leadership supports government leaders as they create and promote policies, programs and places that enable active living to improve the health, well-being and vitality of communities. Velomobile information Transportation for a Livable City works to create more livable neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable. Afriwheels is trying to bring bikes to Africa People Power bicycle advocacy for santa cruz county City of Oakland (CA) pedestrian master plan Suggest additions to this list of sources. |
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